One Elder's Plan and Hopes For Moving Forward


With the recent passage of my mother, I've become a top stage elder, no gifts to choose for parents anymore.  Now, my Boo and I share this stage of life.,,, hopefully to the fullest... and that means safely.

There are government plans and rules (at least at State and Local Levels).  There are also social interaction safety expectations, personal safety plans, and return of consumer demand. 

My personal plan
My personal plan will always be my first consideration before I go filtering through stuff other people are creating.

If you don't live with me, I'll not be touching you; no: hand shaking, kissing, hugging, knuckle bumping, dapping, hand slapping or any other remnants of primitive social culture left over from times when it took months to cross an ocean. If you sailed during slavery times, any body who had COVID-19 would have died and anyone who might have caught it from them would have died. None, if any active COVID-19 would have survived the long voyage. It only takes hours to cross an ocean now! So, yeah, I'll be head bowing or giving the "Wakanda Forever" salute (or any reasonable variation, there of), and if someone blows the candles out on a birthday cake, count me out.

I will wear a mask whenever I need to be around other people, relatives included. Those of us who are more vulnerable must accept responsibility for protecting ourselves from other people's interactions with people and most importantly, their children's interactions with other children. Also, It is very difficult for single human beings of childbearing age not to mingle. That is what their DNA is trying to do every second of every day. I will not let my life depend on that group not exchanging droplets... and then going home to parents and siblings.  Anyway, at this age, I don't even care what anyone might think or say when I show up with my mask on.

Will wash my hands well, especially before I eat and when I return home. 

Only go out the house when I need to... or just have to get out. We've really learned how to spend time without spending money. Getting those projects done, too!

I'm only attending online meetings. (treat that period at the end like a word) There is no reason to breathe the same air with people for an hour.

So, after writing my plan, I really don't care what any one else's plans may be (other than my Boo), so I'm not going to write about them, other than to say things are going to be different, if they aren't we are stupid and will fall for the next version of COVID, perhaps every year, like the flu... oh, and by the way Flu is way down... just because we stopped cooperating with microbes.

I would dare to say that if we all followed these five, COVIDs and FLUs would soon become things from our primitive past.

Hope to have you onboard at 8PM Mundays for my Lloyd Dennis Live show at, my Facebook professional page. We can talk more about these or whatever may be on the public mind.